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Cathedral Candle Company

Rex Glass Followers

These beautiful Rex Glass Followers will enhance the illumination of the candle's flame on your altar.  These will allow your beeswax candles to burn even and last longer.

Scroll to the right to see prices in the table below.

Diam. Code Price Per
11/16" - 3/4" 92200101 $40.20
25/32"- 7/8" 92200201 $84.65
15/16" - 1" 92200301 $84.85
1-1/32" - 1-1/16" 92200401 $85.10
1-1/8" - 1-1/4" 92200501 $85.20
1-3/8" - 1-1/2" 92200601 $80.75
1-3/4" 92200701 $78.55
1-15/16" - 2-1/16" 92200801 $76.50
2-3/16" - 2-1/4" 92200901 $84.95
2-3/8" - 2-1/2" 92201001 $78.90
3" 92201201 $140.20
3-1/4" 92201301 $144.75
3-1/2" 92201401 $147.75