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Liturgy Training Publications

The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2025

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  • $12

Ministers of care, both lay and ordained, are sent to bring the comfort of personal presence and prayer to those who are sick, homebound, isolated, or suffering. This book contains the official rites they will need to bring Holy Communion to, and to pray and share the Gospel with, those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community on Sunday.

It includes the official rites they will need from the Book of Blessings and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum.

These rites include:

  •  Communion in Ordinary Circumstances
  • Communion in a Hospital or Institution
  • Celebration of Viaticum outside Mass
  • Orders for the Blessing of the Sick
  • Order for the Blessing of a Person Suffering from Addiction or from Substance Abuse
  • Order for the Blessing of a Victim of Crime or Oppression
  • Order for the Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage
  • Visits to the Sick and to a Sick Child
  • Pastoral Care of the Dying